Написал Хосе - он быстро ответил по отправке и возможности оплаты в его магазине. В двух словах - в Россию он отправляет. Со следующего понедельника ожидается возможность оплаты через UnionPay.
Привожу ответ Хосе:
Dear Maksim
First of all I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well
Yes, I do, I’m shipping currently to Russia because there are not restrictions to shipping there but the payment method it’s a big inconvenience…
Starting next Monday I guess I’ll accept payments by UPI credit card, in alternative some guys have paid their orders by other friends for example the last case has been a friend that live in Germany have paid the order of the other friend that live in Russia
I hope the situation back normal as soon possible for the welfare to everybody
Receive my best wishes for you and your loved ones